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Ox hair brush 6mm

FROM 3,20

6mm Ox Hair Brush: Ox Hair Brushes are flat brushes that are pointed straight. The brushes have a red handle and the number indicates the width in mm.

Ox hair requires good control, so use some force when working with these brushes.


FROM 3,20
SKU: XGR-PENSEELR6 Categories: , , , Tag:


6mm Ox Hair Brush: Ox Hair Brushes are flat brushes that are pointed straight. The brushes have a red handle and the number indicates the width in mm.

Ox hair requires good control, so use some force when working with these brushes.

You can clean ox hair brushes with soap and water or shampoo. For a more hygienic cleaning: Finally, apply Grimas Hygienic Gel on the bristles and massage it well, so that it ends up on the internal bristles as well. After cleansing, shape wet hair into the correct shape with your hand and allow the brush to dry on a towel. Do not stand the wet brush upright when drying, because the liquid is absorbed by the handle. Do not leave the brushes in a container with water for a long time, because it is unfavorable for the hairs.

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Shot put 1 kg

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