Cookies Policy
The owner of this Website informs you that the cookies we use do not collect or collect personal data from its Users. The purpose of cookies is to offer you an excellent browsing experience and improve our services based on the uses you make of the published content or the accesses you make to the different sections of it.
a) What you should know about Cookies
Cookies (cookies) are small files that store information on the mobile devices of Users who use our platform or our blog.
Cookies are associated with the browser of a specific computer or device. Thanks to them, it is possible for MENKES to recognize Users' browsers after they have visited the Web for the first time, thus determining their browsing preferences and, based on this, evaluating them, being able to use them as indicators to improve our content and web browsing.
b) The cookies MENKES uses
The table below includes the details, purpose, type and classes of cookies that we have implemented on our platform and our blog. For your understanding, it is necessary that you know the definition of own and third-party cookies:
Third Party Cookies: They are managed by other companies and installed from their computers and / or domains to the User's terminal equipment.
Own Cookies: they are managed by our company and installed from our computers to the User's terminal equipment.
2.1. Type of cookies we use
[cookie_audit columns = ”cookie, description” heading = ”The below list details the cookies used in our website.”]
2.2. Warning about the use of cookies and other spamming techniques
As a User, you are informed of the presence of cookies on this platform in order to facilitate its use and navigation. Now, you have the possibility of configuring your browser to be notified on the screen of the receipt of cookies and to prevent their installation on your hard drive.
If you have doubts, in point 4 of this document you have more information. You can also consult the instructions and manuals of your browser to expand this information.
To use or browse our Website or use the platform, it is not necessary to allow the installation of cookies, without prejudice to the fact that for this reason it happens that you cannot access some of the services or sections of the Website.
Also inform you that MENKES does not use “spam”And that it will only process the data that the User transmits through the use of electronic contact forms, email messages or content provided through the services of the Website, for the purposes expressed in our Legal Notice and in our Privacy Policy.
Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter, LSSICE), in relation to cookies, requires that Users be informed prior to the browsing experience on the platform about the use, type and purpose of cookies. That is the reason why we have implemented an informative notice that is displayed once you access our platform, informing you in advance and expressly, complying with said legal precept.
It is important that you bear in mind that in this notice you will find two options: the first, which will allow you to access this informative text, and the second, which you can use to accept the installation of cookies on your terminal equipment.
As a User, if you omit the acceptance of the use of cookies and continue browsing our platform, we will understand that there is a tacit consent on your part to be able to apply and use the cookies described in the previous section and, with this, we will comply with what is required by the LSSICE.
If you want to uninstall cookies from your browser, we indicate some links that you can consult depending on the type of browser you have installed on your terminal equipment.
In Google Chrome:
In Safari:
In Mozilla Firefox:
In Internet Explorer:
In Opera:
We warn you that, after carrying out the process of uninstalling cookies from your browser, this may make it difficult or impossible for you to access or navigate to certain parts of our Website.
Finally, we want to warn you that our platform does not manage social networks or third-party platforms such as Facebook or Twitter, where MENKES has a presence, with which it is not responsible for the cookies that these platforms install.
As a User of our online platform, you are obliged to consult the privacy and cookie policies of these networks to be aware of the type and purposes and decide to accept or reject them.
Cookies used by Facebook:
Cookies used by Twitter:
Cookies used by Youtube
Cookies used by Pinterest
Cookies used by Instagram